How to Clean an Above Ground Pool After Winter?

As soon as winter comes to an end and you witness sunshine on account of the arrival of spring, you must be facing a question – How to clean an above-ground pool after winter?

A swimming enthusiast cannot keep him or herself away from the activity as soon as favorable weather is around the corner.

Of course, during the winter season, you’re above-ground swimming pool seats idle. As result, you may require proper pool maintenance before jumping into it with enthusiasm.

Your kids should enjoy the pool and not attract any ailment due to non-maintenance.

Dust and other solid materials including dry leaves from garden trees may be required to be removed.

Sometimes, you may need to pump the pool water and clean the surface of the pool for more safety as per pool conditions.

After winter and the onset of the spring season, the growth of algae can be seen in the pool water. Ample sunlight, and the presence of organic matter seated in the pool water boost the growth of algae at a very fast pace.

Also, chemical treatments, such as maintaining pH and alkalinity of the pool water are required.

Along with above mention chemical treatments to water in above-ground pool water, you have to check for calcium and chlorine levels in the water.

What is the best way to clean above ground pool?

You have to follow below mentioned 6 steps to clean an above-ground pool after winter.

  1. Removing the cover from the top of the pool after winter for the first time.
  2. Thorough check-up of the pool for any physical damage or special treatment.
  3. Check pool water level.
  4. Thorough check to pump and filter.
  5. Scrub and vacuum the pool.
  6. Filling the swimming pool with fresh water and Balancing for Chemical levels (If Necessary)

Before actually executing above mentioned steps, you have to clear snow accumulated on or around the pool, if any.

You can use a shovel or blower for the purpose.

Take a precaution that, while removing the snow, you are not damaging the pool liner in any way.

Removing the cover from the top of the pool after winter for the first time

This is naturally your first move towards cleaning your above-ground pool during the start of the spring. As a matter of fact, this is not as easy task as it seems.

While removing the cover from the top of the pool, you have to note that, you cannot remove it by yourself.

If you tried to do so, you will mess up your cleaning process. All the dirt and organic material collected on the cover eventually ended up in the pool water.

Hence, take help from another person. It will help you to remove the cover neatly without increasing your future work burden.

If trees and shrubs are hanging on or around your above-ground pool, you have to take care of them before removing the pool cover. Prune the branches of trees and shrubs which are overlapping the pool.

If you try to cut these extra growths after removing the pool cover, you have to clean the pool once again.

You can use Pool Leaf Screamer to remove leaves, bugs, and any other floating dirt easily.

Thorough check-up of the pool for any physical damage or special treatment.

Pool contaminated with leaves

Going further, you’ll have to carry out a thorough check-up of your pool.

It intends to check for any kind of physical damage that may have occurred during the winter season.

If you find any damage, you’ll need to repair it before proceeding with the cleaning process.

You’ll also want to check for any special treatment such as repairing that may be required.

Check pool water level.

Before moving on to the next step of cleaning the above-ground pool, check for the water level.

In the next steps, you have to scrub the pool for better cleaning as per requirement. The water level should be at least up to half level. It will help to scrub the pool properly.

If the water is below the half-mark level, you have to fill it accordingly.

Thorough check to poll pump and filter

pool pump and filter

Just check if the water pump and filter are working properly. If it is in good working condition, then it’s good for you.

But, if not, you have to go for repairing the same.

So, it is always better to have a thorough look. Run the pump and filter for some time and check for any damage or leakage.

In case, if you have covered your swimming pool with a very good quality pool cover over the winter and as a result, you succeeded to save your pool water to get contaminated, you have nothing to worry about.

Otherwise, cleaning is a cumbersome process for you.

Scrub and vacuum the pool

The most important step in the cleaning groundwater pool after winter is vacuuming and scrubbing the pool.

Dirt and any organic material including residual algae can be removed by vacuuming and scrubbing.

After removing the cover of the pool, start this step as immediately as possible. Vacuum all possible locations of the pool. It will suck-remove the dirt and other material from the pool.

After the vacuum, you have to take a rubbing brush to clean the pool where a vacuum cannot be done.

Places such as pool corners, pool steps, and areas around the pool steps, etc. can be cleaned by scrubbing them.

You can use bleach to clean the swimming pool liner. Mix bleach with hot water in the ratio of 1:2 in a bucket or any other convenient container.

With help of a scrubbing sponge, you can clean the swimming pool liner.

Filling the swimming pool with fresh water and Balancing for Chemical levels (If Necessary)

Finally, add fresh water to your pool. But it is not done yet.

After filling the water in the pool, you have to check it for chemical balancing. you have to check pool water for its pH, chlorine level, and alkalinity.

Here is a quick reference for pool water chemical levels.

pH: 7.2 to 7.4 is the optimal pH level for your swimming pool water. if it is not in the range, you can increase the pH level by using soda ash and sodium bisulfate is best to lower the pH. You can use pH meter to measure the pH level of the water.

Chlorine: 1 to 3 ppm is perceived as the best chlorine level for swimming pool water. You have to maintain the chlorine level by adding it into the water as per requirements.

Calcium: The level of calcium in swimming pool water should be in the range of 150 to 250 ppm. Calcium below this mentioned level is “soft” water.

Alkalinity: Swimming water pool alkalinity should be between 180 and 120. to increase it uses sodium bicarbonate and reduce the use of muriatic acid.
To check various chemical levels you can use Pool Water Test Strip.


Thus, after following above mentioned 6 easy steps, you can clean an above-ground pool after winter easily. Now you can enjoy your swimming without any hesitation and doubt. Cleaning

Frequently asked questions

1. Best time to shock the pool with chemicals in it?

The best time to shock the pool chemicals is the evening after you finished swimming. In the evening, the temperature is on the lower side. If the temperature is on the higher side, it will boost fast chemical release than usual which may create irritations to your skin and eyes.

2. How do you clean above ground pool that has been sitting?
– Remove all possible debris, run the filtration unit, and shock the pool with chemicals until water converts to blue-grey from green color.

3. Should I drain out my above-ground pool to get rid of algae?

-Yes, you have to drain your above-ground pool to get rid of algae if you have a lot of organic matter in it and your filtration system is not able to handle it.

4. Can you leave water in an above-ground pool over winter?
– Yes. it is better to leave water in the above-ground pool over winter because it protects the pool structure and pool liner from damage that would be done by chilling temperature.

5. How long can water sit in the pool without chlorine?
– 24 hours is the maximum time for which water can sit in the pool without chemicals. Bacterial and algae growth gets started within a day. Hence, if you’re choosing not to use chemicals to soak your pool, you have to drain pool water on a daily basis.

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