How to Clean Denture Adhesive from Gums?

Are you using dentures and worrying to keep clean your gums? Are you finding an answer to your question – How to clean denture adhesive from gums?

Denture adhesive helps you to provide a temporary grip on your denture. A perfect fit denture for a long period is hardly possible.

When you use a denture for a long time, the bones supporting to denture get worn away and the denture would not fit properly.

Using adhesive is the only and best solution to keep the denture in the right place.

Denture adhesive helps to grab dentures in place while you eat and talk. But, at the same time, you have to clean denture adhesive from your gums and the denture itself.

Besides cleaning adhesive from gums, you also need to clean your dentures regularly.

Types of adhesive used for the denture.

There are four types of denture adhesive available for use. They are;

1. Denture adhesive in the form of Powder
2. Cream-type denture adhesive
3. Denture Adhesive stripes
4. Zinc-free denture adhesive

Whichever kind of denture adhesive you are using, proper cleaning is always recommended.

You must remove your denture at least 6 hours per day. Keeping dentures out of place helps to minimize plaque growth in your mouth.

Again after removing the denture, it is important to clean the adhesive from the gum.

Your saliva also weakens the bond of denture adhesive, but also there is the possibility that some amount of adhesive is remaining on the gums. This needs proper cleaning.

Remove your dentures

You have to remove your dentures first. To lose adhesive, use warm water. Swish your mouth with warm water for half a minute.

It will help the adhesive to disintegrate slightly its bonds.

Then first take the upper denture slowly out. Use your two fingers to jerk it slowly from side to side.

The upper denture may be tough to remove due to its size. Same way take the lower denture out. Clean it properly before storing it.

Methods to clean denture adhesive from gums.

Here are four methods you can use to clean denture adhesive from your gums.

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1. Use warm water to clean dentures from gums.

This is the easiest method to follow. Before using the warm water, check its temperature can you bear the temperature of the water or not?

Take warm water and swish for half to a minute in your mouth and spit in the wash basin.

Repeat the process several times for better results. This will help to remove most of the denture adhesive from your gums.

2. Use mouthwash to clean dentures from gums.

Instead of water, you can use mouthwash. Mouthwash also works more or less in way water to lose the adhesive bonds from gums.

But, using mouthwash will give a fresh breath, unlike water.

3. Using Saline solution to clean dentures from gums.

Saline solution will naturally clean off dentures from gums. Just rinse your mouth for a minute or two with the help of saline water.

You can easily make the saline solution. Just pick up a spoon of salt and put it in a glass of water. Wait till it dissolves well and uses the same.

4. Use of toothbrush to clean dentures from gums.

Use of toothbrush to clean denture from gums

Still, you found that there is the residue of denture adhesive remains. Use a soft bristle toothbrush. Take your regular toothpaste in optimum quantity on the toothbrush. Gently brush your gums. You can roundly brush your teeth. To maintain your oral health, regular use of a brush on daily basis is recommended.

After cleaning your gums properly to get rid of denture adhesive, it is time to clean your denture.

You can clean your denture with a regular brush and toothpaste. Just brush the denture as you used to brush your teeth.

It will remove not only the remaining adhesive from the denture but also plaque thereon.

After brushing the denture clean it with a dry and soft cloth before storing it in a container.

If you want to reuse it immediately, you can go ahead. But as advised earlier, there must be some rest time for use of dentures from a day time.

If you are using a denture for a long time, you will notice that the denture is not as fit as when it was new.

As you are using dentures for a long period, the bones supporting the denture may wear away.

This leads to a loss in the original fitment of the denture. Hence it is always recommended to visit the dentist or change the denture at this juncture.

Precautions while denture adhesive from Gums:

– While using hot water to swish the mouth, always check for its temperature if you can put up with it. Otherwise, it can burn your mouth.
– Always use the appropriate amount of adhesive. If you apply adhesive more than its requirement, it may ooze out in your mouth.
– It is recommended to use non-zinc adhesive. Zinc may be harmful to your health over a long period of use.

Conclusion: How to clean denture adhesive from gums.

By now you must have got the answer to your question – how to clean denture adhesive from gums?

By following the simple trick motioned above, you can get rid of adhesive from your denture.

Use hot water, mouthwash, saline solution or use a regular brush with toothpaste can clean denture adhesive.

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