Using dentures is a relief after losing natural teeth. But do you know that you have to take care of your dentures like your natural teeth?
Here you will know how to clean dentures with baking soda, peroxide, vinegar, lemon, bleach and salt? With easy steps to follow, clean you dentures yourself confidently.
You will also get answers to doubts like how to clean my dentures or How to clean dentures with peroxide?
There is doubt that dentures need special care as bacteria can easily grow on dentures. But are you spending a little more amount on denture cleaning than it actually required?
While cleaning dentures there should be no or very less burden on your pocket. Here we will learn how to clean your dentures using home remedies with less hassle.
Whenever you would buy new dentures, you will receive guidelines regarding the cleaning of your dentures from your dentist. You may also follow the recommended procedure.
You can clean your dentures using baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, salt, vinegar, and lemon juice.
Besides cleaning your dentures regularly, you also need to clean denture adhesive from the gums.
1. How to clean dentures with baking soda?
You can clean your dentures using baking soda. Its whitening properties help you to clean the dentures along with removing odor if any. Follow the following steps to clean dentures.
Step 1: Take your denture out and clean it with normal water.
Step 2: take baking soda in a small container and add a little bit of water to make a fine paste.
Step 3: take a soft bristle brush. Deep the brush in baking soda paste and brush your dentures gently.
Step 4: Repeat the process several times to remove hard stains, if any.
Step 5: After brushing dentures with baking soda, dry dentures with a clean and soft cloth before using or storing your dentures.
2. How to clean my dentures with peroxide?
Hydrogen peroxide is easily available at your nearest supermarket or store. It is another cleaning and whitening agent you can use to clean your dentures. here are steps to follow while using hydrogen peroxide for cleaning dentures.
Step 1: Take your denture out and clean it with normal water.
Step 2: As the hydrogen peroxide is liquid, apply it directly to the denture using a soft bristle toothbrush.
Step 3: While brushing dentures, do not go harshly. Hydrogen peroxide is abrasive in nature, so take due care during the brushing. You will find desired results just in a single brushing.
Step 4: After brushing dentures with baking soda, dry dentures with a clean and soft cloth before using or storing your dentures.
3. How to clean dentures with vinegar?
You can utilize white vinegar available at your home to clean your dentures easily. Just go with the following procedure for the best cleaning results.
Step 1: before going to bed, take your denture out and clean it with normal water.
Step 2: Take white vinegar in a container in a sufficient quantity. Just keep in mind that, after putting dentures in the container, it should not overflow. There is no need to dilute the vinegar.
Step 3: Leave dentures in vinegar solution over the night. It will work for you to clean your dentures.
Step 4: in the morning keep dentures out of the vinegar solution.
Step 5: Now take a soft bristle brush and clean dentures by brushing. It will remove plaque on the denture easily. You will find your dentures are clean now.
4. How to clean dentures with lemon?
You can use lemon juice to clean your dentures easily and naturally. Lemon is available in every household. Lemon juice is acidic in nature and good cleaner. You know that lemon can also be used to clean copper sinks and utensils.
Step 1: Take your denture out and clean it with normal water.
Step 2: Take some lemons and squeeze them out to make sufficient lemon juice so that dentures can be immersed in them.
Step 3: Take lemon juice in such a container that your denture can be accommodated without overflowing the lemon juice.
Step 4: Leave your dentures in the lemon juice for at least 40 minutes.
Step 5: After taking out the denture, clean it with normal cold water. Dry it with a soft cloth and use clean dentures.
5. How to clean dentures with bleach?
Bleach is also a good cleaner as you know how it works in your laundry. You can clean your dentures using bleach.
But you have to dilute the bleach solution properly to avoid any damage to your denture. Follow the following steps to clean dentures using bleach.
Step 1: Take your denture out and clean it with normal water.
Step 2: Take some bleach in a cup full of water. Add a tablespoon of bleach to it and mix well. Experts recommend dilution ratio of bleach to water is 1:10. You can add one tablespoon of water softener for better results.
Step 3: Keep your denture in the solution for a while to soak it.
Step 4: Take a soft bristle toothbrush and brush the denture to remove plaque from it.
Step 5: After brushing the dentures, clean them with normal cold water. Dry it with a soft cloth and use clean dentures.
6. How to clean dentures with salt
Salt is the most commonly available and oldest cleaner known to mankind. You can use salt to clean dentures in two ways. Either you can use salt solution or you can directly use salt powder.
Step 1: Take your denture out and clean it with normal water.
Step 2: In a container, take water and salt in it. Swirl the water to dissolve the salt completely.
Step 3: Keep your denture in the solution overnight. In the morning take it out and gently brush it to get rid of plaque on it.
Step 4: if you don’t want to keep the denture in the solution overnight, just take a soft bristle toothbrush. Wet it and damp it is salt. Now using this gently brushed denture to remove plaque from it.
By using both methods you can get good results.
– Avoid using whitening toothpaste. It can harm your dentures.
– Do not use abrasive cleaning material on your dentures.
– Brush should be soft bristles. A toothbrush with hard bristles can harm your dentures.
– While using hot water to clean your dentures, don’t use too hot water. Using too hot water can bend your denture.
Conclusion: how to clean dentures?
By now you must have found the solution to your question, how to clean dentures with baking soda?
Along with the use of baking soda to clean dentures, additional 5 methods are explained which can be followed using ingredients available to you. You can use peroxide, vinegar, lemon, bleach, and salt to clean dentures at home very easily.